OK, this has taken me long enough to write the first sentence, so here it is, to break the ice for me as much as for you. I've been trying to address the 'hypothetical scenario' that I've thought up and is in no way related to my personal life really I mean it. Lets say you fancy someone who already has a partner. Do you hold your tongue, sit alone in your bedroom with the lights off crying yourself to sleep because no-one will ever love you, or do you grow a pair (ladies, grow a pair of your own kind) and say your piece in the face of certain embarrassment? This is one of those decisions that sorts the men from the mice, the women from the.....er......mice.
'But I can't abuse the sanctity of someone's relationship!'
Why not? In fact, why are you even thinking of it like that? You bleeding tit. I'm all for morals, and being a good chap, but don't be a mug. This person may be Mr/Mrs Right (or maybe Mr/Mrs Alright, or Mr/Mrs Notright, whatever takes your fancy), and you're gonna let your morals hold you back in your purrsuit (meow) of happiness/getting laid? (I'm kidding, I'm kidding.....I'm not talking about just wanting to play naked leapfrog with them, not just wanting to play doctors and nurses with them, not just wanting to slip in as much innuendo as I can, I mean you're fucking smitten, you can't understand what life was like without them (you're not a stalker, you're just emotional), and yet you JUST CANT TELL THEM BECAUSE YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT.)
Morals are all well and good, but fuck, I'd rather have a happy life with no regrets than have been as honourable as a saint, as emotionally repressed as a......me, and as sexually active as a eunuch with a chastity belt. I'm not advocating arseholery, but don't sit on your feelings either. Say your piece and roll with the punches if they come. If you want something, get off your arse and make a grab for it. Advice from Connery in The Rock:
Stanley Goodspeed: I'll do my best.
John Mason: Your "best"? Losers always whine about their "best"! Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.
You don't need to feel like a bastard for going where your heart leads you. (I did not just write that.) If they like you back, all good. They'll break up with their partner (no cheating if you can help it, lets have a good clean break with as few tears as possible) and go off with you and you can both live happily ever after in the land of bunnies and sunshine. Or you'll get a 'Ugh, fuck no' or similar polite rejection, and you can go back to your bedroom to mope (you big girls blouse.) Whatever happens, suck it up. If you can't face the fear of defeat, you don't deserve to bask in victory.
IF THEY LIKE YOU ENOUGH THEY WILL BE WITH YOU AND THEY WILL BE HAPPIER WITH YOU THAN THEY ARE WITH THEIR PARTNER. That's pretty much it. So you're gonna break their current partner's heart by stealing their one true love? Newsflash, shithead: it takes two to tango. Sure, it's not an ideal situation, but would you rather them be happy or you? Fuck 'em, let 'em take care of themselves. Altruism isn't gonna get you anywhere.
In short, it's not a bad thing to steal someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend. It's not even stealing, they're choosing you over their current partner. Be good to yourself - you get one life, so live a happy one.
Oh, and if their significant other is Dave the Strangler, 6'2" semi-pro bear wrestler and part-time stuntman who only does it because he LOVES the danger? Find someone else to fall in love with.
Sunday, 18 February 2007
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I see where you're coming from - having recently been in that situation myself and leaving the guy who I was with for someone else who I couldn't deny my feelings for. Only it wasn't that easy (things usually tend to be extremely complicated when it comes to my love-life) - I broke up with my boyfriend for 2 days and then got back together with him because I couldn't bear seeing him in that state and knowing it was my fault that he was going through that. Oh and of course, let's not forget the guy who I was still madly in love with, who didn't take it too well when I got back with my ex. So there I was, denying my true feelings and becoming incredibly miserable because I was (stupidly) still in that relationship because I couldn't stand seeing my ex in pain. Alas, still madly in love with someone else and finally beginning to realise that my feelings for him were not going to disappear, I plucked up the courage to break up with my ex and got together with someone who makes me happy. Ok, so some people might think that I messed both guys around a lot and yeah, I would have to agree but it honestly wasn't intentional. The way I see it is at least I did the right thing in the end and my ex and I are still good mates. I'm not saying don't give a f**k about anyone elses feelings but your own but don't let your cowardice and someone elses emotions stand in the way of you being happy. It's a dog-eat-dog or bitch-eat-bitch (for the ladies) world out there. Look out for number one and be happy!
i totally 100% agree wid u and curly carly, if u tink its luv go for it coz its a bitch trying to pretend it aint it fucks wid ur head and i dnt tink curlycarly messed both guys about coz wen ur own heads in a twist u cant sort neting out. ...the onli problem is hwd u knw its the real ting?? n wot if ur in love wid 2 ppl???then ur pretty much screwed ryt?!
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