Wednesday 9 May 2007

Don't you fucking dare try to strip my language of its passion

A brief missive in reply to Carly's post about swearing. Here's my expected reply - what utter bollocks. Quit swearing? I happen to like my language as it is, thanks.

'I had a friend in college who used to say that if people swore then it proved how incapable they were of communicating their feelings without swearing, that it showed how poor their vocabulary was.'

This is tripe, to be blunt. I'll fucking swear as much or as little as I want. One can argue that ones actions will always alter peoples perceptions of you. True - frankly, a person who's scared of the word 'fuck' isnt one I would choose to associate with. If one can't communicate without swearing, thats a different matter.

These are powerful words, yes - that doesn't mean we should be scared of them. I shudder to think of a world where people have no 'extreme' vocabulary. And as for never swearing in front of your kids? They can't be sheltered from the real world forever. I'd rather teach them about the power of language, and how to use it effectively. Call me a fucking hippy if you like.

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