Monday, 12 February 2007

First and Worst

Well, it can only get better from here on. As per Mark's notes, I'll start with an idea of where we should go for a class trip. Amsterdam. Yeah, unoriginal, but lets be honest, if we're gonna be opening our minds to the potentials of debauchery, we might as well go full hog. Either that, or we can all go and see Bernard Manning live and proceed to drink ourselves into a stupor to try to forget what we all experienced.

Joking aside though, my idea for a class outing would be a day at paintball. Not just because I'm itching to use my Automag again - theres food for thought here. Allow me to elaborate, and quite likely lose myself in a tangent. For some reason, it's fun to shoot at each other. Detractors say it's just grown men running around in a wood playing army. They're bloody right too, thats why it's so damn fun. To be honest, it's just like playing Day of Defeat with much better controls. Which brings me on neatly to the next point of my post - why is pretending to kill things (say, in paintball, or video games, or children playing army) fun? Smooth writing style, eh?

Civilised people probably shouldnt get their kicks pretending to kill things, right? I mean, it all seems so barbaric when condensed into that small idea. Well, I'd argue straight off that its the fact that we know its all make believe that lets us do unimaginable things. When there arent any real consequences, it doesnt really matter what you do. Sure, there will be some deranged individuals who actually want to go merrily-a-murdering. Lets not judge us all by the extreme loonies. I'd like to believe that we've come far enough as a species to be able to mentally seperate fantasy from reality. Of course, that doesnt mean that a game such as Battle Raper isn't vile muck, but, again, the extremes needn't be taken as representative.

For my last point, I'll touch on smoking. Most people that I know smoke, whether the regular or 'electric' cigarette. (Come on, you can figure it out!) Is the act of inhaling smoke that contains carcinogens and all sorts of other bad shit into your body bad for you? Of course it bloody is. But shouldn't we all be allowed to wreck our bodies in the manner that we see fit? My mothers boyfriend has, to be blunt, kicked the shit out of his body through smoking. I'd love for him to quit, but who am I to take away something he enjoys? He knows the risks, and chooses to smoke.

I realise that I haven't covered either topic in much detail, but I can do that at another date. For now, all I wanted was to post a few thoughts I've had. Hopefully I can start bashing these out a bit quicker too! More soon!

1 comment:

Pragati Rana said...

Hmm, your right there! Why do we find it amusing to shoot simulated chracters into smitherines? I don't know, but it's a hell of a lot of fun! That's also very disturbing; i would love to go paintballing but i was thinking of a theatre producction starring daniel radcliffe as a boy with an erotic fixation with horses in London, what do you think? I think it'd be far more fitting to this module, don't you?